

  • Release:

    August 2022

  • Design:

    Gold & Wirtschaftswunder

  • Web development:

    Stephan Bogner

  • Client:

    Benedikt Groß & Eileen Mandir / Hermann Schmidt Verlag


I had the pleasure to develop the website for the book “Zukünfte gestalten” (designing futures).

We only think of mechanical things requiring maintenance, but this isn’t true anymore: With technology’s rapid pace what was once state-of-the-art software quickly becomes outdated.

But: Books are meant to last. So this website should last just as long.



Easy to maintain → Simple technology and structure
Long-lasting → Rely on proven technology that will be around in years to come
Modern advantages → Responsive and well optimized

Little Big Details

A custom dropdown that allows tab-based navigation to be keyboard-accessible.

Illustration of author images being swapped

Because both authors are equally important the order is chosen at random whenever the page

Screenshot of translation file

Internationalization (i18n) can be daunting. I developed a custom library that allows easy translation into English via a .json file.

Asset in multiple sizes

A custom script prepares assets to be optimized for a wide variety of devices.

Eileen and Benedikt are tech-savvy which spared the need for a CMS (content management system) like Wordpress which drstically reduced the amount of technology required. We now use plain old – yet reliable – HTML + CSS + JS files which can run on any server and don’t require any updating. To optimize our assets, which is normally handled by a CMS, we used a custom script.


A lightweight website,
that runs on any server,
on virtually any device
for many years to come.


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