

  • Release:

    March 2022

  • Design:

    OpenMoji collaborators

  • Original code:

    OpenMoji collaborators

  • Refactoring & enhancements:

    Stephan Bogner


I refactored the website of the OpenMoji project to be easier maintainable (and added some extra features).

OpenMoji is a free and open-source emoji-set by the University of Applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd and collaborators.

Its website worked and looked already great but consisted of plain HTML-CSS-JS files. This made big changes tedious, error-prone and in turn change rarely happened.


Little Big Details

I added search to take you straight to the emoji you need

Download from overview

I wanted to make it easier to download the emoji you need, so you can download right from the library.

OpenMojis used in text

Through a custom component we can now use OpenMoji anywhere without fiddling with image files (which before displayed the device's default emoji set).

Download from overview

Pages can now be maintained by editting a simple markdown file (instead of a .html file)


A website that looks exactly the same but with a much more robust backbone and some nice extra features.


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